Being a parent is tough, even when you think you’re prepared or have everything you need, there’s always something missing. As a new mom, I recommend these 7 must-have things for all new parents!
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1. Amazon Prime
I know this sounds so silly, but amazon prime was a lifesaver which is why it’s number one on my list of must-have things for new parents. During that first few months of having a newborn baby, you need a lot of stuff. It was so hard for my husband and I to go out to get the things we needed. For example, I underestimated how many diapers we would need and we went through them like crazy.
My daughter would start fussing whenever her diaper needed changing even if it was only wet. She was so sensitive to a soiled diaper, we changed her up to 16 times in a 24-hour span!
Luckily, we are Amazon Prime members. We would order on the app and it would arrive no later than 2 days, right to our door! Amazon Prime wasn’t just for ordering diapers but just everything. For baby stuff, they have a subscription program that saves you money! I’m talking lotions, baby wash, and of course diapers.
When you have a crying newborn, you don’t want your partner to run out to get stuff. You want them with you supporting you in consoling your crying babe (teamwork is key). We ordered tons of baby-related things from Amazon and had it shipped to our door such
Would you like to try Amazon Prime free for one month? Click on the Amazon box below. If you like it, continue with the subscription. On top of the free 2-day shipping, there is Prime Video and Amazon Music and also a selection of free online books on the Kindle app. If it isn’t for you just simply unsubscribe.
2. Swaddles
Have you heard of “The Happiest Baby on the Block”? If you haven’t, click ahead on the link! The 5 S’s to comforting newborns work wonders. A great resource for new parents. This doctor specializes in consoling colicky and fussy babies, and something he says is that babies love to be swaddled.
If you’re interested in learning more about the 5 S’s, Dr. Karp has a book!
When my daughter was a newborn (I’m talking the first 2 -3 months) we used muslin swaddling blankets to wrap her up. Our newborn resisted and screamed bloody murder at first but we would power through and swaddle her to sleep and she learned to love it. She slept for hours. Many parents give up because the baby cries and resists at first. Once the baby is in a good tight swaddle, they calm down and even sleep better swaddled.
These swaddling blankets are also multiuse. We use ours as blankets for when our daughter is in her car seat, to put on the ground to sit on. It’s great to have on hand in your diaper bag.
One swaddle brand that I recommend is Lou Lou Lollipop. Their swaddles are so incredibly soft and actually get softer with every wash as advertised and they have such beautiful designs.
There are also swaddling suits. We used one when our daughter was not rolling over but was getting strong enough to break out when we swaddled her. Check out the Love to Dream Swaddle Up!

3. Thermometer
When we were purchasing things in preparation for our newborn, a thermometer was of course on the list. However, we didn’t feel that it was something we needed right away so, we didn’t buy one. When we brought our newborn home, our first night was extremely hot.
As new parents, we had no idea if our baby was comfortable. We were sweating and we could only assume our baby was uncomfortable too. She was so hot, but we had no idea if she was running a
If we had a thermometer, we would’ve been able to check as they did at the hospital. We would have been confident that our baby had the right temperature and slept better that first night.
It may not seem important but temperature regulation is important in newborns. They are unable to regulate their body temperature yet so we have to make sure. Take out the guesswork and check using a thermometer.
4. Nursing Bras
I didn’t feel nursing bras were important. I figured that a good sports bra would be fine and I could use it to
Oh boy, I was wrong. New moms, get nursing bras! If you’re out and about, nursing bras make it so much easier to breastfeed. It’s not as messy (likely your boobs will leak like Niagara Falls..). You can whip them out and feed your babe without the possible embarrassment of a leak. I wish I had it much earlier as the sports bra made it difficult for my babe to latch. It really made it so much harder than it had to be.
They don’t have to be expensive, I ended up getting a pack of two from H&M. They just need to clip on and off.
5. Nipple Cream
My friend who was a mom before me gave me great advice; “Grace, get nipple cream before your baby is born. Pack it in your hospital bag and start using it as soon as you start breastfeeding.”
This was the best advice because, you want to prevent sore, cracked and bleeding nipples before they start. Once they crack, breastfeeding becomes extremely painful. Unbearable, to be honest.
I have been breastfeeding from the get-go and I have been using the Earth Mama Nipple Butter. My nipples have not cracked or bled and now 6 months later, my nipples are tough enough that I don’t need to apply anything. Prevention is key to a happy breastfeeding experience. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of nipple cream! It is a must-have for all new moms.

6. Sound Machine
Babies are used to white noise from when they were inside the womb. When we started using one, we found that our little babe could sleep wherever.
The noise helped drown out people talking, street noise and other distractions that caused the baby to wake or stir. Also turning on the noise helped trigger the baby that it was time for sleep. Our babe was naturally a good sleeper but the sound machine (plus the swaddling) made nights so much better. The one we used was recommended by Taking Cara Babies (check out her Instagram). The Rohm, it’s portable, lightweight, and works like charm. I can’t recommend this sound machine enough! A definite must-have for tired new parents!
7. Probiotics
If you were on antibiotics during your delivery, probiotics will likely benefit your baby. Of course, consult your physician or midwife.
Two weeks into parenthood, my husband and I felt like we were getting into a rhythm, especially at night. However, one night, she just wouldn’t sleep. After trying for several hours to comfort and calm her, I finally had to call the midwife at 1 AM. The midwife said that it was likely gas and that after feeding we needed to burp her. A baby’s digestive tract
Transition into parenthood difficult? Check out my post on what I learned that first week as a mom, which helped me enjoy the newborn stage.